Thailand Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Fresh Dragon fruit
BOTANICAL NAME : Hylocereus undatus
Dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya or strawberry pear, is a tropical fruit known for its vibrant red skin and sweet, seed-speckled pulp.
Its unique look and acclaimed superfood powers have made it popular among foodies and the health-conscious.
Luckily, you don’t have to live in the tropics to enjoy the many benefits of dragon fruit. In fact, you can find it fresh or frozen in supermarkets worldwide.
- High in Nutrients
- May Help Fight Chronic Disease
- Loaded With Fiber
- Promotes a Healthy Gut
- Strengthens Your Immune System
- May Boost Low Iron Levels
- Good Source of Magnesium
Fresh Mango Steen
BOTANICAL NAME : Garcinia mangostana
The mangosteen tree is very slow-growing, erect, with a pyramidal crown; attains 20 to 82 ft (6-25 m) in height, has dark-brown or nearly black, flaking bark, the inner bark containing much yellow, gummy, bitter latex.
The place of origin of the mangosteen is unknown but is believed to be the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas; still, there are wild trees in the forests of Kemaman, Malaya. Corner suggests that the tree may have been first domesticated in Thailand, or Burma.
At low altitudes in Ceylon the fruit ripens from May to July; at higher elevations, in July and August or August and September. In India, there are 2 distinct fruiting seasons, one in the monsoon period (July-October) and another from April through June. Puerto Rican trees in full sun fruit in July and August; shaded trees, in November and December.
- Source of Antioxidants
- Boosts Immunity
- Helpful for Menstrual Problems
- Regulates Blood Pressure and Boosts Heart Health
- Anti-inflammatory Properties
- Boosts Skin Care
- Solution to Your Tummy Problems
- Weight loss
Fresh Rambutan
BOTANICAL NAME : Nephelium lappaceum
The rambutan is native to Malaysia and commonly cultivated throughout the archipelago and southeast Asia. There are limited plantings in India, a few trees in Surinam, and in the coastal lowlands of Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Cuba.
Rambutan generally fruits twice a year, the first, main crop in June and a lesser one in December. In the Philippines, flowering occurs from late March to early May and the fruits mature from July to October or occasionally to November.
Rambutans are most commonly eaten out-of-hand after merely tearing the rind open, or cutting it around the middle and pulling it off. It does not cling to the flesh. The peeled fruits are occasionally stewed as dessert. They are canned in sirup on a limited scale.
- Promotes healthy digestion
- Wards off pathogens
- Kills intestinal parasites
- Promotes bone formation
- Helps scavenge free radicals
Fresh Coconut
BOTANICAL NAME : Cocos nucifera
Coconut palms are grown in more than 90 countries and territories of the world, with a total production of over 59 million tonnes in 2016 (table). Most of the world production is in tropical Asia, with Indonesia, the Philippines, and India collectively accounting for over 72% of the world total (table).
Traditional areas of coconut cultivation in India are the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal and, Gujarat and the islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar.
- Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite
- Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance
- Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
- Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes
- Helps protect the body from cancers due to insulin reduction, removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease
- Reduces risk of heart health and improves good cholesterol (HDL)
- Restores and supports thyroid function
- Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection
- Promotes weight loss
- Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and provides sun protection
Fresh Longan
BOTANICAL NAME : Dimocarpus longan
Longan refers to an evergreen tree from the soapberry family, and is indigenous to China and India (although it is now grown all over Southeast Asia). This medium-sized tree can grow up to 20 to 23 feet in height, with a cork-like bark and roundish crown. Its leaves are shiny dark green, with a leathery texture and pointed tips.
The star of this plant, however, is the fruit. Small and round, longan berries have a fragile, pale brown skin (called a pericarp), a sensitive, whitish, almost transparent flesh and a small brown or black seed in the center. The berries are a little bit bigger than olives.
Longan trees grow best in areas with tropical weather, where the autumns are dry and there’s no frost during winter. The trees are cultivated as a food source, but in cold areas, they’re usually grown only as an ornamental plant because they cannot produce fruit in low temperatures.
- Helps bolster your immunity against colds and flu
- Promotes optimal blood circulation
- Helps maintain cardiovascular health
- Improves the appearance of skin
Fresh Young Coconut
Young coconuts, also known as ma-prao orn, are encased with a uniquely shaped ivory shell. The Young coconut is harvested directly from the tree before it has time to age and drop like the more mature white and brown husked coconuts. Inside is a refreshing juice and a soft jelly-like meat. This white coconut meat offers a sweet flavor that is soft enough to be eaten with a spoon.
Young coconuts are available year-round. Young coconuts provide a source of calcium, carbohydrates, a trace of iron and dietary fiber. The water in this coconut is very high in electrolytes. One average coconut contains about 140 calories. Saturated fat is present in coconut meat, a rarity for fruits and vegetables.
In India, coconut meat is said to be especially beneficial for pregnant women and new mothers. In Sanskrit, this palm tree is called, “kalpa vriksha”, meaning the “tree which provides all the necessities of life”. In Brazil, the word “coco” refers to the fruit of all the varieties of the coconut palm. In Bahia, the coconut is considered one of the region’s holy trinity of ingredients, joining malagueta pepper and palm oil. In Thailand, the coconut is the country’s most important crop and the Thais use every part of the coconut tree – from using the green husk for fertilizer, to shaping the hard shells into bowls, spoons and ladles, and even using old dried-out coconuts for floats to teach young children to swim.
Fresh Durian
Durian fruit is generally slightly oval, about a foot wide and covered in formidable looking spikes. Durians have a strong, rank smell that permeates the outer shell and lingers long after the fruit has been removed. The durian is ‘warming’ due to its pungent smell and rich consistency however the mangosteen is ‘cooling’ because of its juicy flesh and slightly acidic taste.
Despite the stench, durian is extremely healthy, even more so than many other fruits. Naturally rich in iron, vitamin C, and potassium, durian improves muscle strength, skin health and even lowers blood pressure. Furthermore, one small durian contains 23g of dietary fiber which is nearly all of your daily nutritional requirement. However, it is important to not eat them in excess.
There are around 30 different varieties of durian. The fruit is native to Malaysia, Indonesia and Borneo however today there are durian farms in Sri Lanka, Southern India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and the southern Chinese island Hainan. Thailand is in fact the biggest exporter of the fruit and home to many durian farms which produce more varieties than the original native locations.
Whether due to its size – the fruit can weigh as much as 7 pounds – or its taste, durian is often referred to by people in Southeast Asia as the king of fruit. Due to the difficulty of cultivating durian – besides being dangerous when it falls, it requires very particular components in the soil, and for shipping, durian is easily the most expensive fruit as well.
- Reduces Blood Pressure
- Cures Insomnia
- Prevents Cancer
- Improves Bone Health
- Treats Anemia
- Heart Health
- Aids in Digestion